Heads up! These docs are for Portofino 3, which is a legacy product. Check out Portofino 4!

You can use Oracle OC4J Release 3  (10.1.3) to deploy your apllication based on Portofino.
We will assume that you have set the enviroment variables JAVA_HOME to the directory where you installed OC4J and the opportune JAVA_HOME. The standard port of OC4J is 8888.

There are several ways to deploy applications on OC4J, as discussed in the sections below, but before you start you should choose the context name, i.e., the relative URL of your application. E.g., if the context name you choose is "myapp" then the application will be accessible at http://localhost:8888/myapp/ 

Application Server Control Console User Interface

The Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Application Server Control Console provides a Web-based user interface for completing deployment-related tasks. 

The steps to deploy Portofino with the Web based user interface are the following;

  1. Go to url http://localhost:8888/em/ and insert the administrator username and password
  2. Click the Applications tab for an OC4J instance and then the "Deploy" button to access the deployment wizard.
  3. Locate Portofino's WAR file and enter its absolute name (e.g., /absolute/path/portofino-war-3.1.war) in the field. And then click "next"
  4. Insert the application and the context name (e.g. portofino for both). And then click "next".
  5. Click on "Deploy"

The admin_client.jar Command-Line Utility

The admin_client.jar command-line utility provided with OC4J can be used to perform deployment tasks.

The following command to deploy portofino via  command line.

java -jar admin_client.jar deployer:oc4j:localhost:23791 oc4jadmin password \
    -deploy -file PATH_TO_PORTOFINO/portofino-war-3.1.war
    -deploymentName portofino -contextRoot /portofino

Deploy manually

Edit $ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/home/config/application.xml to add the Portofino webapp to the default application adding the following line:

<web-module id="portofino" path="PATH_TO_PORTOFINO/portofino-war-3.1.war"/>

PATH_TO_PORTOFINO may be located everywhere in your filesystem.

Now you have to bind portofino to a website, editing config/default-web-site.xml you'll add portofino to the default web site:

<web-app application="default" name="portofino" root="/portofino"/>

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