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WARNING: this functionality is in beta. Make sure you backup the database and application data files before using it.
Deployment allows you to copy your application to a remote database.
Deployment comprises three steps:
- creating a version;
- creating an instance object;
- synchronizing an instance to a version.
Creating a version
Before you can copy your application you must first create at least one version of it. See the chapter on versioning.
Creating an instance object
Visit the search page of the Instance class at the upstairs level. You'll have to enter the URL manually, e.g.: http://localhost:8080/portofino/upstairs/Search?class=Instance.
Click on create and enter the following fields.
In the Basic information group:
- Name: the name of the remote database, e.g., "testing", "staging", "production", etc. On some database technologies (PostgreSQL, MS Sql Server) Portofino can create the remote database if it does not exist.
- Description: a longer description of the purpose of this instance.
In the Connection details group:
- Host: the IP address of the remote database.
- Port: the port of the remote database.
- Initial db: the database to connect to (for database technologies that support remote creation of databases).
- Login: the connection's login.
- Password: the connection's password.
Click on Create. The system connects to the remote database and initializes it to an empty mdtemplate.
Synchronizing an instance to a version
Once you have an instance, you can synchronize it to a version:
- Visit the details page for the instance object you have created.
- Click on Synchronize. A page similar to the one in versioning appears.
- Locate the version you want to synchronize to.
- Click on "Synchronize to ..."
Notice that you can perform the synchronization several times, but you can only synchronize to a version that is more recent than the last synchronized version.
Previous: Versioning