Adding user self registration

Posted by Giampiero Granatella
on 18th February, 2010
This is the fourth tutorial of the user management series. In this tutorial we are going to explore user self-registration: a functionality that is often required by public web apps but is quite difficult to implement or even integrate with existing Java libraries.
A prerequisite is to have user management enabled and the email parameters configured as explained in the first tutorial. Check the presence of the following lines (customized as needed) in your
model.users.enabled=true mail.smtp.port=465 mail.smtp.password=your_password mail.smtp.ssl.enabled=true
Enable and configure self registration
To enable self registration you have to add following parameter:
Setting only this parameter allows users to self register and immediately log on to the system.
If you also want that self-registrations be moderated by user administrators, set:
With this flag set, self-registered users have to wait for the activation from an administrator.
How users self register
With self registration enabled, you'll find a new link called "Register" in the top right corner. Click on it.
A self-registration page is presented.
Enter the fields as required: login, password and email. Click on create to complete your registration.
Portofino will check:
- that the login and the email are unique in the application
- that passwords match and are compliant with what you specified in the
Click on "Create". You'll be presented with a confirmation page.
The last step is to verify your registration. A confirmation email with the following link is automatically sent to you account:
"Please go to to complete your registration"
Click on the link (or copy it in your browser) to complete the registration.
Customized User class
There are situations where you need to customize the User class. For instance you may want to add new attributes for "name" and "surname".
Self registration can handle this situation and prompt the user for the extra attributes. The only requirement is that those attributes are flagged as required in the "User" class.
Further readings
Previous tutorials in the user management series: