A text page is a fundamental building block of a Content Management System. A text page manages text, images, formatting, and attachments.
A text page has a main read-only view for end-users.
It also has a number of functions intended for editors:
Viewing the content
The following is the main view of a text page.
In the upper part is the text content, which is rich text, i.e., supports formatting, hyperlinks, and images.
In the lower part is the list of downloadable attachments, if available.
It the editor's toolbar (available only to editors) are three buttons:
- The standard configuration button.
- An edit page button.
- A manage attachments button.
Editing the content
From the main view, click on the Edit button. A screen will appear containing a rich-text editor where you can type and format your text.
Managing attachments
From the main view, click on the the "Manage attachments" button.
In the upper part of the page you can manage existing attachments. In the lower part of the page you can upload new attachments.
To download an attachment, click on its name.
To delete an attachment, select its checkbox and press the Delete button. You can select several attachments at once if you like.
To mark an attachment as downloadable/not downloadable, select/deselect the associated Downloadable checkbox, then click on Ok. Downloadable attachments will be offered in the main view of the text page. Non-downloadable attachments will be available for linking and as images.
To upload a new attachment, click on Choose file and select a file from your computer, select/deselect the Downloadable checkbox, then click on Upload.
Linking to pages in the application
From the rich-text editor, click on the link button. A dialog will appear. Click on "Browse Server". A pop up window will appear. Click on the Browse button. You should see a page like the following.
At the top and bottom of the page are the Choose and Cancel buttons. At the center of the page is an area are where you can navigate the pages of the application, like you would normally do in a browser. Navigate to the page that you want to link and finally press the Choose button.
Adding images
From the rich-text editor, click on the Image button. A dialog will appear, from which you can either select an image already on the server or upload a new one.
To select an existing image, you can either type the URL directly or select from a list. In the latter case, press the Browse Server button. A new window will pop up and you'll be able to select one of the attachments associated with the current page.
To upload a new image, click on the Upload tab. Press the Choose File button and select a file from your computer. Finally click on "Send it to the Server".