
At a very high level a page in Portofino is made of a header, a body, and a footer.

Page header

The page header shows, on the left side, the name of your application and, on the right side, some user-related information and links.

When the user is not logged in, there is a link to log in. When the user is already logged in, there is an indication of the user's name, a link to the administration area (if the user is an administrator) and a link to log out.

To customize the application name, edit the settings in the administration area.

Page body

The page body is the main area of the page where most of the user interaction occurs.

On the left is a sidebar containing a navigation tree. Notice that on some page templates the sidebar is not available.

On the right side you can find a number of objects:

  • The page's breadcrumbs, i.e., the path from the root page to the current page.
  • The editor's toolbar, if you are an editor for this page.
  • A message box containing any errors, warnings, or information messages from the last performed operation.
  • The main content, which varies depending on the page type (text, CRUD, chart, etc.)

An example is shown below.

Page footer

The page footer shows the version number of Portofino and the page response time, which is the time spent by the server to process your request.